You get copyright protection automatically - you don’t have to apply or pay a fee. There isn’t a register of copyright works in the UK.
首先,英国没有版权作品登记制度,不需要申请或者支付费用;当您在创作以下内容的时候就已经自动获得保护:· original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, including illustration and photography· original non-literary written work, such as software, web content and databases· sound and music recordings· film and television recordings· the layout of published editions of written, dramatic and musical worksUK copyright law extends full, partial or no protection to foreign works and performances based on the country of origin of the work or performance.英国版权法根据作品或表演的来源国对国外作品和表演提供全面保护、部分保护或不提供保护。This is generally based on principles in the copyright treaties that the UK has joined. These include the:保护力度通常基于英国加入的一些版权条约中的原则。条约包括:· Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
与贸易有关的知识产权协议 (TRIPS)
· Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works· Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations· World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty (WCT)· WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)These require the UK to protect copyright works (such as books, broadcasts and sound recordings) and performances from other countries that are members of these treaties.这些条约要求英国保护来自这些成员国的版权作品(例如书籍、广播和录音)和表演。The UK also has trade agreements and reciprocal arrangements with various countries under which the UK protects copyright works and performances from those countries.英国还与多个国家签订了贸易和互惠协议,英国根据这些协议保护来自这些国家的版权作品和表演。The protection for foreign works and performances is set out in the following legislation:· the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the CDPA)· the Copyright and Performances (Application to Other Countries) Order 2016 (the 2016 Order) as amended by the Copyright and Performances (Application to other Countries) (Amendment) Order 20212016 年版权和表演(适用于其他国家)法令以及通过修正的2021 年版权和表演(适用于其他国家)(修订)法令The CDPA is the main UK legislation on copyright. Part I of the CDPA deals with copyright works. Chapter IX of Part I sets out the nationality requirements for works to qualify for protection.CDPA是英国关于版权的主要立法。CDPA第一部分涉及版权作品。第一部分第九章规定了作品获得保护资格的国籍要求。Part II of the CDPA deals with rights in performances. Chapter IV of Part II sets out the nationality requirements for performances to qualify for protection.CDPA的第二部分涉及表演权利。第二部分第四章规定了表演获得保护的国籍要求。The 2016 Order simplified the way in which protection is extended to foreign works and performances. It means that most protection is automatically extended to other countries as they become members of the copyright treaties. It also restricts the protection extended to some foreign works and performances.2016年法令简化了将保护扩展到国外作品和表演的程序。这意味着当其他国家成为版权条约的成员国时,大多数保护会自动扩展到其他国家。它还限制了对一些国外作品和表演的保护。The 2021 Order amended the 2016 Order. It updated the 2016 Order’s list of countries that are members of WPPT. This ensures that performers from those countries enjoy rights in the UK. It also extended protections to nationals of certain countries with which the UK has a trade agreement.2021年法令在2016年法令基础上做了修正。它更新了2016年法令的WPPT成员国家名单。这确保了来自这些国家的表演者在英国享有版权保护。它还扩大了对与英国有贸易协定的部分国家的国民的保护。Below is a summary of the protection for foreign works and performances under the CDPA and 2016 Order. However, different rules apply in some cases. For detailed information on the protection for foreign works and performances, check the CDPA and the 2016 Order.以下是CDPA和2016年法令对外国作品和表演的条款摘要。但是,在某些情况下可能要适用其他的规则。有关外国作品和表演保护的详细信息,可具体查看文章最后CDPA和2016年法令的链接。三、Summary of the protection
1.Literary, musical, dramatic and artistic works, films and typographical arrangementsLiterary, musical, dramatic and artistic works, films, and typographical arrangements of published editions are eligible for protection if:在以下情况下,文学、音乐、戏剧和艺术作品、电影和已出版版本的版式设计有资格获得保护:· the author is a citizen or resident of, or a body incorporated under the law of, the UK or a country that is party to the Berne Convention or a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)作者是英国或伯尔尼公约缔约国或世界贸易组织 (WTO) 成员国的公民或居民,或根据法律成立的机构· the work was first published in the UK or a country that is party to the Berne Convention or a member of the WTO作品首次在英国或伯尔尼公约缔约国或世贸组织成员国出版· the work is linked to the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an Overseas Territory as set out in Chapter IX of the CDPA作品与海峡群岛、马恩岛或其他CDPA第九章中规定的海外领土有关Broadcasts are eligible for protection if:· the broadcaster is a citizen or resident of, or a body incorporated under the law of, the UK or a country that is party to the Rome Convention or a member of the WTO该广播公司是英国或罗马公约缔约方或世贸组织成员国的公民或居民,或根据法律成立的机构· the broadcast is first transmitted from the UK or a country that is party to the Rome Convention or a member of the WTO广播在英国或罗马公约缔约方或世贸组织成员的国家首次放送· the broadcast is linked to the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or an Overseas Territory as set out in Chapter IX of the CDPA广播与海峡群岛、马恩岛或其他CDPA第九章中规定的海外领土相关联Broadcasts from countries that are party to the Rome Convention or members of the WTO normally only qualify for protection if they are wireless broadcasts. Broadcasts from countries which are party to the Rome Convention normally receive greater protection than those from countries that are not party to the Rome Convention.来自罗马公约缔约国或WTO成员的广播中通常只有无线广播才有资格获得保护。来自罗马公约缔约国的广播通常比非罗马公约缔约国的广播受到更大的保护。Sound recordings are eligible for protection if:· the producer is a citizen or resident of, or a body incorporated under the law of, the UK or a country that is party to the Rome Convention, WPPT, the Berne Convention or a member of the WTO生产者是英国或罗马公约、WPPT、伯尔尼公约或世贸组织成员国的公民或居民,或根据法律成立的机构· the sound recording was first published in the UK or a country that is party to the Rome Convention, WPPT, the Berne Convention or a member of the WTO录音在英国或罗马公约、WPPT、伯尔尼公约或世贸组织成员的国家首次公开· the sound recording is linked to the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an Overseas Territory as set out in Chapter IX of the CDPA录音与海峡群岛、马恩岛或CDPA第九章中规定的海外领土有关Sound recordings from countries which are party to the Rome Convention or WPPT normally receive greater protection than those from countries which are not party to these treaties. However, sound recordings from countries which are party to the WPPT but not the Rome Convention normally receive less protection than those from countries which are party to the Rome Convention.来自罗马公约或WPPT缔约国的录音通常比来自非这些条约缔约国的录音获得更大的保护。然而,来自WPPT且非罗马公约缔约国的录音通常受到的保护少于来自罗马公约缔约方的国家的录音。Performances are eligible for protection if:· the performance was given in, or by a citizen or resident of, the UK or a country that is party to the Rome Convention, WPPT or a member of the WTO表演是由在英国或罗马公约、WPPT 或 WTO 成员国家的公民或居民提供的· the performance is linked to the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or an Overseas Territory as set out in sections 181 and 206 of the CDPA表演与CDPA第181和206节规定的海峡群岛、马恩岛或海外领土有关Performances from countries which are party to the Rome Convention or WPPT normally receive greater protection than those from countries which are not party to these treaties. However, performances from countries which are party to the WPPT but not the Rome Convention normally receive less protection than those from countries which are party to the Rome Convention.来自罗马公约或WPPT缔约国的表演通常比非这些条约缔约国的表演受到更大的保护。但是,属于WPPT成员国而非罗马公约成员国的表演通常比罗马公约成员国的表演受到更少的保护。Performances in films normally qualify for protection only if they come from countries that are party to the Rome Convention. Performances in sound recordings normally only qualify for remuneration for being played in public or broadcast if they come from a country that provides equivalent protection to UK performers.电影表演通常只有来自罗马公约缔约国的国家才有资格获得保护。录音表演通常只有来自为英国表演者提供同等保护的国家或地区,才有资格获得在公共场合或广播中播放的报酬。